Ukrainian troops deliver powerful strike on air defense unit in Lugansk

2 years ago

1. The Ukrainian armed forces delivered a massive air strike on a military unit in Lugansk tasked with air defense of the city, LPR people’s militia officer Andrey Marochko said in his Telegram channel.

"The armed formations of Ukraine carried out a massive airstrike on an air defense unit in charge of Lugansk airspace’s security," he wrote.

"Although several Ukrainian missiles have reached their targets, the skies above Lugansk are controlled by reserve units," the official said.

In his words, the Kiev government troops have been attempting to strike critical infrastructure objects in Lugansk for quite a while.

"All attempts were thwarted thanks to coordinated response by our air defense forces," he said.
2. HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) rockets supplied to Ukraine by the United States are not a difficult target for Russian air defense, but Kiev uses terrorist tactics of combined strikes on poorly protected civilian targets, a source told Sputnik on Wednesday.

"MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket Systems) shells, whether they are (launched from) Uragan, Smerch, Vilkha or HIMARS systems, are not a difficult target for a layered air defense system, they are shot down by Russian air defense missile systems in large numbers, as they have a predictable trajectory, low flight speed in the final section and are not equipped with means of overcoming air defense," the source said.

At the same time, the source noted that Ukraine uses the tactics of massive combined attacks, choosing objects that are poorly covered by air defense. Such strikes involve several types of weapons, which mainly target civilian facilities, the source added.

"A high concentration of weapons creates the possibility of some missiles breaking through to the target. This is terrorism in its purest form," the source said.
3. Вечером 12 июля украинские националисты выпустили в сторону Луганска несколько ракет. Били целенаправленно – по воинской части, где стоят средства противовоздушной обороны. Подробности произошедшего рассказал помощник министра внутренних дел ЛНР Виталий Киселев.

По его словам, в сторону воинской части были выпущены примерно три ракеты "Точки-У". Интервал между пусками был небольшой, что, возможно, привело к попаданию.

"В сторону Луганска был нанесен ракетный удар "Точкой-У".

Точнее их было, возможно, три штуки. Летели с интервалом буквально в секунды. По всей вероятности, наши силы ПВО не смогли распознать мишени, потому как их одновременно было сразу несколько. Вероятнее всего, ПВО приняли их за одну", – рассказал Киселев в беседе с ТАСС.

Помощник главы республиканского МВД добавил, что удары наносились с позиций украинских боевиков, расположенных на территории подконтрольных Киеву населенных пунктов Донецкой Народной республики. Киселев предположил, что били с расположений между Соледаром и Артемовском.

Ранее представитель Народной полиции ЛНР Андрей Марочко подчеркнул, что несмотря на массированный удар, предприняты все меры для обеспечения безопасности мирных жителей.
4. The armed forces of Ukraine fired nine missiles from the US-made HIMARS (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) light multiple rocket launcher at Lugansk, the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) mission to the Joint Center for Control and Coordination (JCCC) of ceasefire said in its Telegram channel.

"A shelling originating from positions held by armed formations of Ukraine was registered at 23:35, coming from the city of Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) and targeting Lugansk. It involved HIMARS multiple-launch rocket system (nine rockets)," the statement says.
Ukrainian troops deliver powerful strike on air defense unit in Lugansk - 3 "Tochka-U", 9 "HIMARS" a salvo:

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