Russian Ambassador to UK Andrei Kelin's interview with Reuters on July 7, 2022

2 years ago

Key points:
- Boris Johnson has lost confidence of the voters and the Conservative Party - of course it was going to explode.
- When it comes to the current crisis, UK leadership is a victim of its own propaganda.
- The special military operation is taking so long because the actions of the Russian military are incremental to reduce losses. Unfortunately, collateral damage is unavoidable.
- Western weapons are being used by Ukraine to target civilians, they are killing ordinary people.
- The Ukrainians pulled out of the negotiations after Russia proposed a draft based on their own ideas. There’s been no feedback since April and, let’s be frank, Boris Johnson actively negotiated in Kiev against any peace deal.
- We hear that 'the conflict should be resolved on the battlefield'. It will be resolved on the battlefield, but not in favour of Ukraine.
- The British side forwarded a formal request, shifting all responsibility for the fate of Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner on Russia. There was no request for mediation or release of British nationals. Only arrogant words. Those Britons are under the jurisdiction of a different country. Talking with Kiev about their future is insufficient.
- Of course, Russia will liberate all of Donbass. It is difficult to predict the withdrawal of Russian forces from the south of Ukraine.
- Sooner or later, the leadership in Kiev will have to decide on what to do: either to strike a deal or continue going downhill.

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