10 Things you didn’t know about the Arab-Israeli conflict

4 years ago

The Arab-Israeli conflict is a topic I get asked about a lot. And although you hear a great deal about it, there are many basic aspects that people don’t know about. So I’ve summarized the essentials here.

Jewish settlements that had to be evacuated because of Arab violence:
Beer Tuvia, Beerot Itzhak, Beit Eshel, Beit HaArava, Beit Shean, Bni Yehuda, Har Tuv, Zichron Avraham, Hebron, Hulda, Chmara, Kfar Uria, Kfar Giladi, Germak, Kfar Saba, Moza, Metula, Masade, Gaza, Tel Hai, Tiferet Binyamin, and others.

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