Love Family Christian Foundation Jamaica Education Ministries

2 years ago

New School Opening

LFCF Update: This Praise Report blesses my soul. Look at these before and after photos.

The Joseph Royal Education Center is open and running. Nardalyn Johnson, LFCF Director of the Education Mission in Jamaica, Bishop Gale, and the Jamaica Community, are thankful for your support in making this dream come true. The children now have a roof over their heads, flooring, windows, school materials, etc. The prayers, blessings, and funding are greatly appreciated. If you'd like to join us in affecting change in Jamaica, click on the link.

Over 650 students served (ages 3-18)
More than 650 packages distributed
Computers donated went toward the new Internet Cafe
36 parents given vouchers towards textbooks
8 laptops distributed to local schools and churches
10 Desktop Computer Systems distributed to churches, schools and students
34 children received school uniforms

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