05.07.02021 - Building a Legacy of Leadership, Love, and Excellence

3 years ago

Thank you, Enoch Love for teaching us the value of hard work, determination and being confident in the plan God has for you.  There were so many life lessons in this discussion. Here's what I heard you say.

1. Have a strategy. Without direction, you waste valuable time and resources.

2. Do your research to understand the operations, culture complexities, corporate structure and its underpinnings, so that you can make informed choices; never to be led to confusion, but to control your destiny.

3. When ever time, and opportunity presents itself, be prepared to rebrand.

4. Always answer the WHY?

5. Satisfy your thirst for knowledge, wisdom, leadership, positioning and serving others.  

Thank you, Rev. Shirl Love for teaching us that it's okay to be broken, as long as God is in the midst preparing you, building you, and strengthening you for His Glory. Here are some of the wisdom nuggets I pulled from your interview.

1. Never let man distract, discourage or diminish all that God has in store for you.

2. Trust God to build eternal confidence in your soul so that you can serve the outer most reaches of the earth.

3. Do not allow the world to dictate or control the vision God has given you.

4. Never fear ministering to what the world label as the 'least of these.'

5. Serve with an open heart.
6. Always remember that God is the originator of this symphony. He composes, arrange, and aligns the harmony and dissonance in your life. Celebrate the path, 'the road to Damascus moments', knowing that God will harmonize each chord of dissonance, building unrealized crescendo, so that you will conquer all that he has planned for His Glory.  

Thanks to Enoch and Rev. Shirl Love
Thank you both for teaching us the importance of valuing our relationships. Thank you for teaching us that ministry and business partnerships can work with God in the Center.  From business operations to ministry service, your legacy and love will be shared for generations to come.  God Bless.

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