FNC with Dr Jeremy Butler "Community Policing" 02 04 2022

2 years ago

Assistant Professor Health Promotion and Performance - Judson University
Speaker, Control Tactics Instructor, and Educator

New Minted Author and soon-to-be-released book, The Law Enforcement Officer's Guide to Better Control Tactics, fewer Lawsuits and Building Community Trust Through Martial Arts.

Pagoda Rebirth Martial Arts

B.S. - Kinesiology - University of Illinois
M.S. Recreation Administration - Illinois State University
Ph.D. Kinesiology - University of Illinois

• The importance of verbal de-escalation training
• Understanding the Law
• Conceal Carry Law
• Strategies when stopped by the police
• Essential elements of an influential community policing program
• Barriers to good police-community relations
• Best strategies to strengthen the relationship between the police and minorities?
• Strategies in terms of training, educating or cultivating an internal culture to combat the effect of unconscious racial bias so that it does not affect how police enforce the law.
• Cultural competency as a required component of police training. Should CC be mandated by the state or left to the individual police departments?
• Bridging de-escalation through positive interaction

Pagoda Rebirth Martial Arts - Trained in 5 different styles of Karate Arts

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