2 years ago

Everyone now confirms the presence of graphene in the injectable chemicals Pfizer BioNtech and Moderna, apart from the "Experts" of the medical consensus and the WHO, affiliated with GAVI and the Gates Foundation.

The self-assembly of grains in lines and the presence of graphene nanotubes is easily observable, even with an amateur microscope.

It was first observed by Professor Campra in Spain, then by the pharmacist Bauer in Switzerland with images broadcast in the documentary Hold-On by Pierre Barnerias.

ANSM, Swissmedic, HSM, the FED never put an eye in a microscope, they certainly get bought by the laboratories or the Bill Gates foundation. At the height of cynicism, they redact the documents of Pfizer and ModeRNA and ask associations for a fee for makeup. (120,000 CHF to the Reinfo Covid association for Swismedic which authorizes Pfizer to children and pregnant women) PLEASE GIVE ME A RUMBLE, SHARE, AND 🚨SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE CONTENT LIKE THIS, THANK YOU💙
All of my content is for entertainment purposes only, not to be taken as fact. None of this information should be considered Legal, Financial, or Medical advice. Do your own research and consult with professionals. PLEASE ALWAYS SUPPORT THE CREATOR. MIRRORED FROM: world orders review@ OF GRAPHENE IN PFIZER COV-ID INJECT [SHARE]

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