[TRUMPET WARM-UP] Mouthpiece Buzzing with (CICHOWICZ Flow Studies 01)

4 years ago

Mouthpiece Buzzing with Cichowicz Flow Studies 01
PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkml7ZJ51KixcaRiuINf0eefNcco7wALa
DR. HEINZ: https://youtu.be/UM3gTdIHUp4

"Aim for an even, strong buzz sound. It should not be over the top loud, but should not be played too softly.
Be consistent! Keep your attention span at the end of your bell.

It is possible to improve your trumpet sound almost immediately by working on the mouthpiece" - Allen Vizzutti

Instructions/Instruções :

1) Hold the mouthpiece with the thumb and first two fingers of your left hand a quarter of an inch from the small end, to minimize pressure. Keep your hand relaxed and grip the mouthpiece lightly.

2) Play these studies with a piano or tuner. Make sure that your pitch is accurate.

3) Take a big breath for each exercise. Make sure that your breathing is full and relaxed. Inhale on the syllable “HOE” which will drop your jaw and reduce throat resistance.

4) Buzz at a full dynamic, try to get as full and centered a sound on the mouthpiece as you can. Minimize any shake or waver in the sound by concentrating on keeping the corners of you lips firm and down.

5) Move smoothly from pitch to pitch. Do not “jab” at the notes. Buzz freely; do not worry about keeping a strict or steady tempo.

6) As you move into the lower register pivot the mouthpiece slightly up (at the small end) so that you can move your jaw forward and get more lower lip into the mouthpiece. Lead with your lower lip.

7) As you ascend into the upper register you will need to use more mouthpiece pressure, but try to keep this to a minimum.

8) After you have finished the mouthpiece warm up rest for five or ten minutes before picking up the trumpet.

Nestes primeiros exercícios já somos levados a cuidar dos principais fundamentos: RESPIRAÇÃO, SONORIDADE e RITMO.

In these first exercises we are already led to take care of the main fundamentals: BREATH, SOUND and RHYTHM.

Os exercícios de NOTAS LONGAS (Long tones) do Arban (Ex. 01 a 10) devem ser realizados com muita paciência e cuidado. Alguns são bastante duros no início dos estudos e devem ter orientação de um professor profissional. Mesmo profissionais voltam de tempos em tempos a estes exercícios.
Neste EXERCÍCIO 01 concentre-se em atacar as notas pensando na silábica TA. Nunca interrompa o fluxo de ar, inspire bem pelo diafragma e expire livremente dentro de cada nota. Não se esqueça de dar todo o tempo de nota. Observe o metrônomo em segundo plano.

The Arban Long Tones exercises (Ex. 01 to 10) should be performed with great patience and care. Some are quite tough at the start of studies and should have guidance from a professional teacher. Even professionals come back from time to time to these exercises.
In this EXERCISE 01 concentrate on attacking the notes thinking of the syllable TU. Do not ever interrupt the airflow, so inhale well through the diaphragm and exhale freely within each note. Do not forget to give ALL the time of note. Notice the metronome in the background.

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#trumpetersstuff #cichowicz #mouthpiece #trompete #trompeta

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