The new history of mankind - the Age of Man

2 years ago

About 65 million years ago, a width of about 16 kilometers meteorite impacts on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula today, a huge disaster, at the time on earth, including dinosaurs, two-thirds of all animal species dying extinct, end of the golden age of reptiles, primitive mammals escape disaster after a long time to survive, after the rapid evolution.

About 50 million years ago, primates evolved rapidly in a radiative way, from lower primates (such as lemurs and tarsiers) to higher primates (such as apes, rhesus, golden monkeys, baboons and apes).

Note: China's "Daw-ape" is older than the early higher primates, simian, basically belongs to the early prosimian, that is to say, the so-called "Daw-ape" is actually a monkey, not the origin of human beings, if "Daw-ape" is the origin of monkeys almost.

About 25 million years ago, monkeys began to evolve into apes, and primitive apes emerged and gradually separated from monkeys. It's not exactly human at this point.

The earliest ancient anthropoids appeared in south East Africa, gradually evolved from primitive apes, divided into: lower anthropoids (such as gibbons), higher anthropoids (such as orangutans), hominid and so on. About 12 million years ago, the earth's crust movement in eastern Africa a rift valley is formed on the earth, the formation of the rift valley to Africa is divided into east and west two independent animal systems, rift valley this barrier becomes the key to people and apes parted ways, to the west of rift valley is still thick wet trees, little ape in order to adapt to changing environment, They didn't have to change much to harmonize, and they were destined to remain at the stage of apes, such as gorillas. Rift valley east due to crustal movement, gradually decreased rainfall, forest land disappeared in the grassland, together with the ancestors of today's apes most ethnic and extinction, a small fraction of used to climb the apes adapted to the new environment, learning activity in the earth

in the open environment life, formed the unique evolution model, to avoid the crisis of extinction. About 6 million years ago, a large, barely bipedal, two-handed primate called ----- hominid, named australopithecus because it was found only in southern Africa, emerged.

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