The merry go round and the 3 leaders of the program

2 years ago

Update 12/07/2022

As sure as night comes after day, there are PSYOP and propaganda campaigns being waged on the peoples all over the world, many supposedly about a me Stephen Bell, and 9 times out of 10 I don’t have the slightest idea about the specifics of these never-ending campaigns, accusations and fantastical claims made by the conglomerate, that consist of the United States government in collaboration with the British and Danish and their intelligence, moreover it is my understanding that there was a propaganda a.k.a PSYOP yesterday on the 11 July 2022, that went viral, to this all I can say is, I have had no personal involvement in whatever, and likewise I have not been told anything at all, therefore it is impossible for me to comment on whatever this was? but what I can do, and what I have done in this video, is talk about the three leaders of the program, let’s go Brandon senile US president, the evil DK PM witch Mette Frederiksen, and not least the inflated bamboo, disgraced Prime Minister of the UK, all of these so-called leaders are in very hot water these days, in this video I talk about some of the SHIT that they are in, right here and now July 2022, and how they are using the program and the social and political persecution of me, to distract people from their shitshow´s that they are trying to slither out of, the slimy snakes that they are.

#The_setup_has_already_happened #Real_truth #Propaganda_wars #PET_PSYOPS #The_program_is_social_engineering

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