UK GOV: Vaxxed Kids 8,100% More Likely To Die! US: Calculated VAERS Data 5,040 Vaxxed Kids Dead!

2 years ago

That is what official government numbers say. Don't blame me for reporting it, it is what the facts say.  Why would I make up something as crazy as that? It sounds unbelievable, but it's the truth.  If you don't believe it, I dare you to watch the video and have your eyes opened.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

1. Bannon's War Room - Naomi Wolf: ‘Over 100 Deaths Of Kids Under 17’ From Covid Vax Including 55 Within 7 Days

2. Exposé
EXCLUSIVE – UK Gov. admits COVID Vaccine is killing Kids after publishing report proving Vaccinated Children are shocking 30,200% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children

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