TTT 14: scary terminal command, memesplanation, SystemD lead Dev to MS...

2 years ago

What to Expect Tech Tips Tuesday 14:

What is Sudo rm -rf


Systemd Creator defects to Microsoft

Freed Computer (Consultation)

Could Gtk 5 go full Wayland?

10 Things to Know About Tech Freedom

Tech Tuesday 14-1:

One of the most-memed terminal commands, demystified... is it more dangerous inherently, than any other?

Just receive this now. You are important, just because you are you.
You are brave: you go about your life, rather than curling into a ball every day.
You are good: you desire good for yourself and do not want to hurt others to get it.

Don't forget those truths, not even if today shapes up to be the worst in your life.

#Memesplanation #TechFreedom #encouragement #inspiration #beyou

Tech Tuesday 14-2:

Not sure how I feel about this one... the creator of Systemd (which handles most of the behind the scenes grunt-work in most Linux distros) left Red Hat and has joined Microsoft...

Freed computer
If, after your consultation, you decide that you need a new computer, take a look at this range of laptop options that will come ready for you to use safely.

#freedcomputer #Linux #degoogleyourlife #TechFreedom #productspot

Tech Tuesday 14-3:

Rumors, rumors.... some developers for GNOME are claiming that they will drop support for x11 in GTK 5... hmmm...

10 Things My Wife Thinks You Should Know about Tech Freedom.

#TechFreedom #wifeysauce #getfree #explainer

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