Snakehead vs. Catfish cook taste test with home made Chic-Fil-a knock off sauce. #eatingsnakehead

4 years ago

I finally caught one of my fish on my bucket list and it was worth all the time and effort I put into it. I decided that I would do a taste test with my kids, the snake head is notorious in Maryland for being a delicious invasive fish. Everyone in the south grew up around a place or more than likely multipule places that had all you can eat catfish. I was curious to see which one the kids would like, I know that I personally like the way both fish taste but hey I'm a fat guy from Jersey so I know that I like the way both fish taste. Please like and subscribe! #fishfry #catchcleanandcook #eatingcatfish #fryingcatfish #fryingsnakehead #pankobreadcrumbs #snakeheadtastetest #issnakeheadgood

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