Last Days Deliverance and Victory- Pentecost Rapture? 11:11 33 Come Now!

4 years ago

The Lord is my strength and my song; He has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise Him- my Father's God, and I will exalt Him. Exodus 15
We really don't know what day Pentecost is, but be encouraged that Jesus is coming to rescue us hopefully in this time between today and June 6. May 28 which was my seven year anniversary of closing on my house (2540 means "appointed time ") I opened to Exodus 1 when I had heard the song "Glory of Love " in my spirit- "I am the one who will fight for your honor..the one you've been dreamin' of". Exodus 14:14 spoken right before the escape from Egypt through the Red Sea- The LORD Himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.

Keren in Israel's videos-
Dream of Antichrist and rapture-
2 Dreams, Rapture and Tribulation-

My videos with Keren's picture and dreams- Prophecy = Speak Daughter, I am Coming Quickly Chosen to Fly, Dream From Israel, Pentecost Rapture? June 5, 2019

Keep watching for Jesus and pray for joy and peace. Funny that the flowers on the thumbnail look like a smiley face.
Exodus 15
1 Chronicles 16

Dockidds- 120 Reasons the Rapture is Imminent!-
Daniel Taylor- Pentecost-
God's Gift- Final Days Before Judgment-
Why I Believe the Rapture is Soon- Generation 2434-
Pentecost and the Pearl- Grace Family-
Ty Green- Pentecost rapture=
Heavenly Treasures- Pentecost Rapture? My Dream- (She had this dream on the day I baptized Gabriella).
Faithful God- Pentecost Philadelphia rapture-
Jesus Tells 5 Year Old Boy tomorrow is endtime -

Glory of Love song-
I am the ONE who will fight for your honor,
I'll be the hero you've been dreamin of,
We'll live forever, knowing together that we did it all for the glory of love.

Egypt song-

on June 3rd at noon pacific time or 10pm in Jerusalem the Sun (Bridegroom) & Venus (Morning Star) will ALIGN in the horns of TAURUS at the same time that the MOON (Bride) is moving into LIBRA or the SANCTUARY in heaven...this all happens while COMET SWAN is also in TAURUS bringing attention to the SIGN... comment on Nick Vanderlaan's video Day Star Rising )=(Venus changes to morning star this day)-

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