Why do (my) criminals always win? 😏

2 years ago

Generally speaking, most of the books you'll read that involve criminals will have the same conclusion: the 'bad guy' gets caught and we all live happily ever after in knowing that good prevails over evil. We see it in movies, on television, and in real life...

Wait. Is that true? Do we see it in real life?

In actuality, we don't always see the 'bad guys' getting captured in the real world. Other times, we see them get caught only to either get away with or barely get punished for their crimes. So why do so many books, movies, and television series center on criminals getting caught and punished?

Check out the corresponding blog -https://mimaonfire.blogspot.com/2020/02/why-do-my-criminals-always-win.html

Canadian author Mima (aka Michelle M. Arsenault) is known for complicated and diverse characters, dark style, and never shying away from controversial topics.

Author of The Hernandez series - loyalty above all. There are no exceptions. https://mimaonfire.com/the-series/

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