#Cuba 🇨🇺 #PNR abuses a civilian

4 years ago

#Cuba 🇨🇺 | A civilian films as Castro cops beat a man down to the floor. You can even hear when the civilian hits the ground. There are tourists as witnesses even. The #CubaPoliceAbuse project tries to collect as many cases as posible. Some even dating far back. Hence the importance of dating each footage.

Source: social media, anonymous.
Year: 2018
Place: #Havana

#CubaReal #Freedom4Cuba #AbuseOfForce #HumanRights #footage #policebrutality #HumanRightsViolations #Repression #Communism #ElCambioEsYa #CubaDecide #Ni1Mas #CambioDeSistema #FreeCuba #LlegoLaHora #PNR #Minint #DTI #AbusoPolicial #Policia #ViolenciaPolicial

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