Cucumber Cut Worm Prevention! 5 30 2020

4 years ago

Hello, Lori Fiechter here with a garden that is recovering from that over-abundance of rain last week. Today we finally planted the cucumbers and zucchini. Our Amish neighbors to the south had a whole garden of tin cans a couple of years ago...we decided to try tin cans again for our cukes and squash to keep out cut worms. The problem is that they don't make tin cans the way they used to! I used to be able to open either end--they were identical. About the only cans I buy are pork and beans and chili beans and they are one-way only. So I improvised: plastic frosting containers, cottage cheese containers and a couple of heavy paper coffee cups. Oh, and a giant tomato paste can (Costco sized).

My greenlight mini-cucumber variety is new for me this year since I couldn't find my favorite "mini-muncher" in either catalog we ordered from. It is supposed to be ready to harvest in 37 days. Do we believe that? That would be just after July 4th. Hmm...

The zucchini variety is supposed to be spineless--not a good quality in a best friend, I suppose, but a must quality for squash. I hate getting scratched up. That is why our blackberries are "Triple Crown Thornless" No thorns on elderberries or blueberries, either. And I don't eat rosebushes...

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