Ask Yourself these Questions - BRAINWASHED in to believing in the "GLOBE" The FLAT out TRUTH

2 years ago

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💡 CIA & NASA Patents & Documents 🛣 PROVE Earth is Flat, Non-Rotating & Has a FIRMAMENT 🧐


🛣 #FlatEarthsMatter 💡 BUT WHY 🤷‍♀️ WHY did they TRICK you ? about FLAT EARTH


ANSWER THE QUESTIONS YOURSELF !!! I bet you get the SAME answers as the clueless brainwashed guy being asked those questions..
Have YOU been BRAINWASHED in to believing in the "GLOBE" The FLAT out TRUTH


The Meaning Of Life - #FEM - Flat Earths Matter - Robbo Da Yobbo


🌅 The FLAT OUT Truth 🛤 Part 1 🛣


PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING && SOCIAL CONDITIONING.. Your Ignorant Arrogant Brainwashed Tiny Computer up top CAN NOT COMPUTE the Truth about most things if you really tried - you still couldnt comprehend that THE SIMPSONS do NOT "predict" anything...
🧐 The Simpsons - FLAT EARTH - Moon Landing Hoax 👌
They are evil - they are satanic worshipping demons... That KNOW THE PLAN...
They were told that Prince would be murdered - they said trump would get in - TRIED to predict first female president ( Thank F@CK that didnt work out for them )
Chemtrails - fires - Flat Earth "Predictions" - are nothing more than THOSE THAT HIDE THEIR PLANS FROM THE LORD ARE DOOMED TO FAIL..
They tell you the HORRIBLE stuff they are about to do to us all - and if you take that in a "Entertainment" and do nothing to stop them after being warned - but you missed the warning..
We tin foil hatters that ACTUALLY have a brain.. dont miss that Sh!t !!
They want you to think you are a tiny spec of dust floating through the universe is to make you feel insignificant.
The Fact that the Earth is the center of the universe and the sun and moon rotate around the Tropic Lines and Equator. North Pole Middle. South Pole all the way round the outside.

Simple. yeah.... Great Video !!!!!

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