NYU Grant $40,000 Anti-White Male Agenda | Joe Biden and The Pentagon Love Abortion

2 years ago

NYU Grant $40,000 Anti-White Male Agenda | Joe Biden and The Pentagon Love Abortion
As we get schooled on how to revolt against actual tyranny by Sri Lanka and the Dutch farmers, I do hope that this is waking up the people who have been content in their slumber, not even aware of the famine that is on the horizon. Far too many compromised traitors happen to be in the most powerful positions in this country, and I do think that the reason we haven't seen a revolt of this magnitude is because of our military, and perhaps because of law enforcement. As we have seen in the last few years, the 'I am just doing my job" excuse has run far too rampant.
I think that the revolutions occurred in Sri Lanka and the Netherlands because the corrupt governments decided to move too fast, and the people came up with a counter plan much faster. This is something to be learned. If the US government imposes lockdowns again, or anything else that robs us blind, laundering money to the elites, we should be prepared, and have a plan, and execute it quickly.
The plan to remove our beef and chicken and replace it with bugs has become far too obvious. The slumbering many still refuse to notice this. We will not allow this madness to continue. We will remove the criminals from their power, and we will restore order to the nation. Who knows how long it will take, but we will make this happen, it is inevitable.
Some say that the exploding Georgia Guidestones is an act of God. This seemingly inexplicable event has left so many dumbfounded, grasping for explanations. I think that the globalists are trying to cover their tracks, fearful that already too many are finally taking notice of their sinister plans.
Peter McCullough just released a video explaining that there is now evidence that the vaccine hijacks the liver and alters your dna at its core. This was explained by bill gates, three years ago with a plastic presentation model. This does make me wonder how many generations will be altered, or if any generations will survive this mutation. If any woman who has altered DNA and for some reason is able to give birth, well, the human will probably have an extremely weak immune system. This new mutation introduced by Gates could be a de-evolution, creating a species weaker than humans, who happen to be much easier to control.
These power hungry mad men will never stop, their thirst for domination is far too overwhelming, and even if they have a small desire to stop being so genocidal, I think that it would be overcome by their addiction to dominion. They want to be a superior being, superior to us, although they are inferior. They are jealous of our beliefs, our love, our families, the lineage and the blood that binds us together, and even our friendship, our common ground, our hunger for happiness.
We will not allow them to steal from us any longer. We will not allow them to take control any longer. We will continue to fight evil, as long as we live. When we depart from this world, we will see our families and friends, and when they depart, they will be alone in a place far less welcoming.

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