Homes 4 Heroes taken advantage of US Veterans

4 years ago

John Moore former Nevada State Assembly and former Army Ranger on the Veterans In Politics Video Internet talk-show.

Homes 4 Heroes is a Fraud!

Clark County Nevada
June 7, 2020

April 2017 Veterans In Politics International (VIPI) President Steve Sanson received communication from Maria Miuccio owner of Cash Kingdom LLC indicated that she would like Sanson to provide contact information of several local military veterans that have continued community service outside of wearing the uniform and that they have some type of financial need. Miuccio indicated that upon verifying, interviewing, and observing the veterans that one of them would win a house from Homes 4 Heroes.

Sanson complied and gave several members of Veterans In Politics International that fit the criteria Miuccio requested. Out of a handful of names Sanson provided, Miuccio said Homes 4 Heroes has identified a winner, and musicians B. Taylor and Ray J would be on board to present the home and a network will pick up the show.

Sanson was invited to the house for the presentation, Sanson was also told that John Moore former Nevada State Assemblyman and Army Ranger would receive the house.

Moore arrived at the house and Miuccio presented the house to John Moore and said congratulations you are the new owner of this house. Miuccio also explained that furniture would be a part of the house and a honeymoon package for Moore and his fiancée.

After Moore and his fiancée lived in the house for a couple of years Miuccio is now attempting to evict him.

This action is now before a Clark County District Court Judge.

Below is the link to Channel 3 cover story:

Homes for Hero's taken advantage of US Veterans

B-Taylor and John Moore NV Assemblyman Veterans In Politics 05 27 17R

Below are links of videos B. Taylor invited Moore and VIPI President to come to the studio called the Hideout to celebrate and tape Moore’s victory:

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