Are You Giving Up On Love? Watch This First!

4 years ago

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Are You Giving Up On Love? Read This First...

There's no doubt that Love can be frustrating... For some people, it drives them crazy. Maybe that's you - are you giving up on love?

Well don't do it until you read this article!

This isn't going to be some empty cheerleading, or some rah-rah speech. Sometimes the one thing we need most when we feel like quitting is a swift kick in the backside.

Every day I coach women who are at their wits end. They're burned out on dating.

I typically advise women who are middle-aged and older who are trying to find love. Typically in their late 30s and all the way into their 70s.
And the older you get, the harder it seems to start relationships...

They've tried just about everything:

Online dating
Blind dates
Dating people from work
Matchmaking services
Personal ads
You name it!

If you've been searching and dating and trying to make it work, but each relationship seems to come to an end, you might feel like giving up.

But there's a lot you probably don't know about why you feel this way. And how you can keep going - until you find the one you truly love.
You have an unlimited reserve of love energy within you. You just have to know how to tap into it.

What happens is that you're cut off from that flow of energy when you feel like it's time to throw in the towel and give up.

No matter how down on yourself you may feel, you must always question your thoughts if you believe that you are:

"Going to be alone for the rest of your life..."
"Not destined for love..."
"Unlucky in love..."
"Going to die alone..."

A lot of these things we say to ourselves when we are frustrated and can't seem to find our way out.

Funny enough, hearing these words from other people always makes us think differently. There's no point in catastrophizing - or making things seem like the end of the world.

As a trained therapist and coach, I can say with certainty that everyone has the ability to find their love.

As Steve Martin said in the movie LA story:

"“There's someone out there for everyone. Even if you need a pickaxe, a compass, and night goggles to find them.”
STEVE MARTIN - Harris K. Telemacher

LOVE WISDOM: Protect your attitude at all costs...

The key to overcoming this is keeping your mindset and attitude as your priority.

I see a lot of people who overextend themselves when they're dating. Many women sacrifice their happiness and peace of mind in the process of being who they think they should just be to be desirable.

As the saying goes,
Never change yourself to meet someone else's opinion of who you should be.

So the first thing you have to do is to keep your happiness as your priority. Under no circumstances do you ever have to sacrifice this in order to find a man and a relationship that will make you happy.

The problem with putting your own needs on the back burner is that it becomes a habit way too easily.

Once you start forgetting your own needs, it's hard to stop. And one day you'll find yourself in a relationship that you settled for just because good enough became good enough.

You have to set a commitment to your own need for a fulfilling relationship. Otherwise, why bother at all? Which is probably what you are thinking.

When you reach that point, you got there by putting aside your own needs.
LOVE WISDOM: It really is a Journey

It's become something of a cliché, but all relationships are a journey of sorts. If you get too focused on making one of them turn into your fairytale ideal, you'll miss what's happening right now. In THIS moment...

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
MATTHEW BRODERICK - Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Every single person teaches you something new about yourself. Even the worst dates can be the best stories for your friends.

I remember having many unbelievably bad dates, and they were so fun to share with my friends later on. It was like trading war stories.

Sometimes it can be hard to pay attention to the now. But the present is all we have. If you forget this in your search for an imaginary tomorrow, you will miss out on all the good things today.

"Whether life is worth living depends on whether there is love in life..."

LOVE WISDOM: Why So Serious?

It's also possible you've been caught up in ...

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
Are you giving up on love

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