SSN 7/10/22 PT II: National Security We The Peoples Grievances and Demands

2 years ago

PT II Evidence for We The Peoples Grievances and Demands: National Security Draft

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**Get out your note pads this roll of clips will build our case of “Grievances and Demands” These policy differences are extremely dangerous, but are they just policy or an actual attack on the American Way of Life and Our Nation’s Future?
**Sabotaging National Security Let’s begin with our dismantling our military and national security
*Woke Classes are Unconstitutional under the first amendment
*Communist media attacking Abe of Japan America’s Ally
*Joint Chiefs of Staff
*Global Warming
*White Supremacy

** Let’s investigate the issues with the Vaxes with Dr. Bhattcharaya
*The Media Again!
*Medical Industrial Complex
*They got the Biological science wrong
*Forced Vaccine Mandates and cause distrust
*How could this virus affect the healthy men and women of the U.S. Military?
*Why would the Biden Administration want to weaken the U.S. National Security?
*What the policies have done to the children, you America’s future and some will be defending our nation or will they be able to?
*We brought you the information last week about how there are many youths who are not able to serve because they are unfit.

**Let’s listen to what Gordon Chung Chinese Expert has to say
*Chinese in Japanese Air Space then Japan Abe is assassinated?
*Lifting Tariffs on China?
*Bringing back U.S. Manufacturing Biden sends signal it is fine to deal with China.
*Ending the espionage task force on China
*2019 All Chinese Nationals are required to spy for China
*Same year China declared War on the U.S.

**What is considered to be aiding and abetting the enemy?
*Depleting 40% of the U.S. Strategic Oil Supply at a time we are in a Cold War with China and a proxy War with Russia!
*Lowest since1986
*Sending oil to Communist China

**What does former DNI Ratcliff have to say
*Investment firms collaborating with China
*Lifting Trump’s Tariffs
*Communist China makes policy for the Biden Administration

**Jim Jordan on the U.S. Military
*Confidence down

**Hunter profits from treason
*It’s Criminal

**Biden Klan flagged by SARS and Treasury Sec Yellen refuses to hand over records to congress

**How does Biden respond

**Hunter’s Interests in the Communist Chinese Oil Company, Our Enemey1

**Do we have enough evidence to remove this treasonous administration and file our grievances with?

**The U.S. Bill of Rights is based on Natural Law and now let’s move to Pt III and see how what is taking place applies.

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