"Okinawans are not Japanese" Alfred de Zayas discusses the negative legacies of colonialism

2 years ago

"Okinawans are not Japanese" Alfred de Zayas discusses the negative legacies of colonialism

Professor Alfred de Zayas of the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations. He is a leading expert in the field of humanrights and international law and high-ranking United Nations official. He was
the original UN Independent Expert for a Democratic and Equitable
International Order. He is also a former senior lawyer with the Office of the UNHigh Commissioner for Human Rights, Secretary of the Human Rights
Committee, and the Chief of Petitions. He has authored a number of books in several languages. His latest book is "Building a Just World Order" by Clarity Press.

Part of the webinar:
"The Continuing Negative Impact of Colonialism"

Side Event for the United Nations Human Rights Council 50th Session
30 June 2022, 8:00 am, Geneva, Switzerland

Both the United Nations General Assembly and the Human Rights Council have adopted strong resolutions to eliminate colonialism. On 10 December 2020 the General Assembly adopted resolution 75/123, declaring the Fourth International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism. On 8 October 2021, the Human Rights Council passed Resolution 48/7 calling attention to the Negative impact of the legacies of colonialism on the enjoyment of human rights.

This panel discusses the anomaly that, despite declaring such noble intentions, colonialism persists around the globe and very little, if any concrete actions are being taken by the United Nations to free nations in captivity, or to end various forms of deleterious colonial practices.

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Featuring Alfred de Zayas, Robert Kajiwara, Ronald Barnes, Leon Siu


Rob Kajiwara is an Okinawan activist, writer, and musician based in Okinawa City. He is founder and president of the Peace For Okinawa Coalition, headquartered in Okinawa City with an extension office in Honolulu, Hawaii. Rob's petition to stop the illegal construction of the new military base at Henoko, Okinawa has over 212,000 signatures. Kajiwara has a BA in History from University of Hawaii at Manoa, an MA in History from University of Nebraska at Kearney, and Ph.D. A.B.D. in History from Manchester Metropolitan University.


Rob Kajiwara Music YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi7TrL4fvA6c7pEUP2fhVXw

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