'My Daddy Changed the World!' - George Floyd Daughter (Thur. 6/4/20)

4 years ago

The Hake Report, Thur. 6/4/20: “My daddy changed the world!” says George Floyd’s 6yo daughter “Gigi” (sp) with ex-NBA player Stephen Jackson. More protests, and loss of life! The girl’s mother Ms. Washington cried that she won’t have her father. Blacks shouldn’t resist arrest... but they’re 8-9x more likely to, according to one stat from San Francisco! Eric Garcetti kneeled; Protestors chant: “Defund the police!” MN AG Keith Ellison charged all 4 officers with ridiculous crimes!
CALLERS: Alex from Pasadena, CA, says Fox News are Trump cronies and Trump’s tweets about “respectable” liberal Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis were childish. James in FL talks about a black YouTuber forcing wh*tes to their knees or calling them racist. Mister Few from Memphis, TN, says people need to teach other people how to be successful instead of feeling sorry for them. Joe from Atlanta, GA, says America has lost its way. Alton from Houston, TX, says he’s actually from Woodlands and the protestors are dumb.

BLOG: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2020/6/4/my-daddy-changed-the-world-george-floyd-daughter-thur-6420

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