#Cuba 🇨🇺 PNR steals food from civilians

4 years ago

#Granma 🇨🇺 province in the eastern side, the PNR ( National Revolutionary Police) is upset he is being filmed by a woman as he is coercing civilians to give him the fish they just caught. During times of Covid, the police has increased its violence against the population and in many occasions, they are caught stealing food and goods from people. This is the real blockade. Under decree 370, the woman could face charges and a fine, just for filming as the police steals her food.
Source: social media, Lily Viltres
Date: June 2, 2020
Place: Granma
#Freedom4Cuba #Minint #PNR #Policia #Ladrones #communism #HumanRights #BloqueoInterno #Libertad #PoliceAbuse

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