Race-baiting fascists, Racialism, Stereotypes, & the hypocritical misuse of generalizations.

4 years ago

Exploring the intellectual fraud at the core of identity politics. Cherry-picked 'impressions' that inform an unquestionable orthodoxy, thus the fraudulent narrative is unassailable as the vulnerable narcissism is secured and enforced by further perversion of the political, moral and legal domains. The purity spiral of a collective borderline-personality disorder, which degrades and debases anything to compensate for its unsustainable lack of responsibility, which has been projected onto a systemic and collectively shared sub-consciousness (thus its able to collectively propagate and host a thin form of delusional "rationality", brittle enough to expect and demand sharp alignment into its spiraling surrealism of fascistic hyper-realism).

In reference and response to these two Sam Vaknin videos:

Racism and Stereotypes: Useful or Bad? Blacks, Jews, Gay, Women, and Other Cats

Victim: Avoid Becoming Psychopathic Narcissist

Raw file label: Voice 058 anc race baiting

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