No Compromise: We Will Not Bow to Your Idol

4 years ago

Gospel singer Keith Green released his album "No Compromise" in 1978. The cover is epic. It is an artist's rendition that shows one man who remains standing while all others around him bow down to a golden idol erected by a wicked king.

The politically correct "woke" society around demands that we bow down to their idols or they will inflict pain on us. This has been demonstrated by the riots, looting, maiming, and killing that has been happening across our country, spearheaded by Antifa and Black Lives Matter. People with conviction stand for what they believe and will not bow down on demand. For example, Christians, who are protected by the first amendment of the US Constitution, have the freedom to worship. This is not endowed by the state. It is endowed by their Creator. Our Constitutional framers articulated this in the first lines of the Bill of Rights.

We will not bow to your idol!

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