Calling Out Rogue Deep State Creature Mark Esper

4 years ago

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper thinks he knows more than the president. Worse, he thinks he is the president. He is another unelected Bureaucrat who disagrees with the man the American people elected as president. Trump outscores Espy 63,000,000 to zero. That's for starters.

As we look closer, we see that Esper doesn't feel that the use of the military, which is provided for in the "Insurrection Act," is not necessary at this time we are going through. This begs the question: When, praytell, would you invoke the act, Mr. Know-it all? Let me see, not until China has invaded our shores? Or when the Pentagon, where you have your office, is destroyed?

Tucker Carlson has a guest, former CIA officer Bryan Dean Wright, who in this clip gives a "smokin" diatribe aimed at Espy. On target and well said!

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