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2 years ago

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Michael Moore and the Democratic led American government only seem to care about certain types of gun violence, isn’t that interesting? If it’s ‘black on black’ crime, then it somehow becomes a conversation for another day, but if it’s a mass shooting involving children, and/or a white perpetrator, they salivate. Why would someone who knows that they can’t protect you; want you unable to protect yourself? How will this make you more safe? Only the government and the criminals will be armed, some would say they are one and the same, but you can trust that neither will ever turn on you, right? This is all a game played by the Democratic Party to see if they can get free born people to willingly accept imperial rule. To accomplish this they endeavor to control information, control food, control education, control currency and control firearms - ultimately to control you. It is nonsense to blame, what is essentially a tool, for the actions of its wielder. And blaming the tool for the madness of the wielder does nothing to curb the madness. As I said this is all smoke and mirrors set upon you by individuals who hate you. The truth is, no matter how many pictures of mass shooting victims they parade in front of the American people, no matter how many survivors they find to support their agenda in calling for more unconstitutional gun control, no matter how many entertainers they invite to White House, no matter how many organizations they create to push this unconstitutional agenda, no matter how many gun manufacturers they attempt to villainize; they cannot deny the simple reality, that in each one of their beloved mass shootings, most, if not all, of the lives lost would have been saved if the shooter was met with armed opposition from the citizens present at the time of the incident. Ironically, mass shootings stand as a perfect example for the necessity of our 2nd amendment not a reason to abolish it; effectively making every citizen just as vulnerable as the Uvalde classroom. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be unarmed waiting for a crazed criminal to get around to shooting me in the head while law enforcement is in route to save me - newsflash, they’re not going to make it in time.



ON PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/lightbulbinitiative/episodes/MICHAEL-MOORES-28TH-AMENDMENT-TO-REPEAL-AND-REPLACE-OUR-2ND-AMENDMENT-e1l3628

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