Pharma rule: Never ask a question you don't want an answer to | Malone, Lawrie, Weinstein

2 years ago

The pharmaceutical companies have a significant bias against doing any safety or efficacy trials that are not strictly mandated by the government. The main reason is that such a trial is a significant risk to their business model, because its results might be undesirable and might lead to billions of dollars in lost profits. Secondary reasons are that they are inconvenient: they cost money and cause delays.

Pharmaceutical companies don't care about public health. They regard the public the same way as drug dealers regard drug users: as a source of profit to be exploited. Pharma is a profit-driven industry. They don't care if you die or are miserable, as long as you maximally add to their bottom line.

When we as the public understand this, we should refuse their products ('Just say no to all drugs') until the pharmaceutical companies have cleaned up their act and perfectly proven necessity, safety and efficacy. This is especially true for preventive interventions (i.e. vaccinations) as opposed to therapeutic interventions (i.e. treatment when you are already sick). In most cases this is possible when we do our own research and search for safe and effective alternative approaches.

We should stick to the precautionary principle (assume that the drugs/vaccines are highly toxic and ineffective until proven otherwise) and the Hippocratic Oath ("First, do not harm").

There are severe harmful misconceptions in the public:

MYTH: CDC/FDA are doing drug trials
REALITY: Drug trials are performed by contract research firms who are highly motivated to 'prove' results that are beneficial to their customers (i.e. the pharmaceutical companies). Specifically, they need to provide 'evidence' that shows that highly profitable interventions are necessary, safe and effective. If they don't do this, they are likely to lose out on future research contracts.

MYTH: CDC/FDA/etc. work for the public
REALITY: CDC/FDA/etc. are captured by the pharmaceutical companies (and also political interests) due to severe conflicts of interest and a revolving door: the same people go from government institutions to the exact companies they were supposed to 'referee' before (unless, of course, they do things the pharmaceutical companies dislike), and vice versa.

MYTH: CDC/FDA/etc. and peer reviewers thoroughly inspect all the trial data
REALITY: CDC/FDA/etc. and peer reviewers often admit to not even having access to all the individual participant data, so it is impossible for them to do the required checks.

A simple solution might be to just have the government do drugs trials instead of the pharmaceutical companies. However, as we've seen during the COVID 'pandemic', government is arguably even worse than the pharmaceutical companies. The whole system (including hospitals, universities and scientific journals) is rotten to the core. There are no easy solutions.


Segments from episode 275 of The Highwire:

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