Autism. Living with Lola. Part 1 A trip to a forest in England.

2 years ago

We will create a series of videos, this is the first. Showing what it is like living with a family member who has autism. These videos will capture the good days and activities and at times capture those very challenging moments when there has to be a response from the family which benefits and enables. Living with Autism will during the series cover how teaching and training a family member requires determination blended with positive logic for the benefit of a family member living wth autism. Giving support, teaching and training is a 24 hours a day comminment. For Lola it has taken 11 years of serious support, training and teaching to put her on track for a positive future. The work is very hard and demanding, the results are very worthwhile. Our videos we hope will give viewers deep insight and share methods for not only living with autism but how to help.

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