They Did The Right Thing

4 years ago

Many George Floyd protesters, Black Lives Matter activists and rioters do not think the Police officers are doing the right things in cities across the USA, I would say about some of these police officers that are charged with protecting our cities"They did and are doing the Right Thing". Of course, I am not talking about the 4 officers that have been charged in the killing of a Black unarmed man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis. I am referring to the police that do not commit police brutality but strive to maintain peace and order at in cost even if it means these public servents need to get down on their knees. When these cops go out of their way to bond with the peaceful protesters in Newyork, California, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and many other areas throughout the country they make a lasting impression on the demonstrators and tend to defuse escalating situations. This shows that there are good cops in the police departments across the USA and they are not like the thugs with badges that use the shockingly brutal police tactics that have been deployed nationwide. These shows of compassion and solidarity help to insure these peaceful protests that unite Americans of all backgrounds.

Police officer, protester shake hands and take a knee during Sacramento's George Floyd demonstration
Los Angeles officers take a knee during George Floyd protest  
NYC's highest-ranking uniformed member takes a knee, hugs George Floyd protesters  
Raw video: Portland police officers kneel with protesters
Raw video: Oakland police officers take a knee after urging from protesters  
US police show signs of solidarity with demonstrators | George Floyd protests

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