The universe, the Milky Way, is not as bright and gentle as the stars.

2 years ago

The Milky Way, our solar system's barred spiral galaxy (a type of spiral galaxy), is an elliptical disk with a large disk structure. New research shows that the Milky Way has four well-defined and fairly symmetrical spiral arms, 4,500 light-years apart. The Milky Way has between 100 and 400 billion stars.
The Galaxy as a whole rotates poorly. The sun spins at a speed of about 220 kilometers per second at the center of the sun, which orbits the galactic center for about 250 million years. The Milky Way has a visual absolute magnitude of -20.5 and the total mass of the Milky Way is about 1.5 trillion times the mass of the Sun. The Milky Way galaxy is about 10 billion years old, while science believes the Big Bang happened about 13.8 billion years ago. The Milky Way has two companion galaxies: the Large and small Magellanic Galaxies. They are both members of the Local group of galaxies and part of the Virgo supercluster. Which in turn is part of the Raniacea supercluster.
The Milky Way is composed of a silver center, a silver core, a silver disk, a silver halo and a silver corona. The central region of the Milky Way galaxy is dominated by old stars (mostly white dwarfs), while the outer region is dominated by new and young stars. A dozen satellite galaxies dot an area of hundreds of thousands of light-years, and the Milky Way grows by slowly gobbling up dwarf galaxies around it.

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