Salve Rainha do Céu em Latim

3 years ago

Ave, Regina Caelorum em Latim

Ave Regina Caelorum est hymnus Virgini Mariae dicatus. Haec prex in liturgia horarum ecclesiae catholicae saepe post completorium inter Quadragesimam recitatur.

Ave Regina caelorum,
ave Domina Angelorum:
Salve radix, salve porta,
ex qua mundo lux est orta:
Gaude Virgo gloriosa,
super omnes speciosa:
Vale o valde decora,
et pro nobis Christum exora.


Hail, O Queen of Heaven enthroned.
Hail, by angels mistress owned.
Root of Jesse, Gate of Morn
Whence the world's true light was born:

Glorious Virgin, Joy to thee,
Loveliest whom in heaven they see;
Fairest thou, where all are fair,
Plead with Christ our souls to spare.

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