David Rohl - Jesus, The Holy Grail and King Arthur : 239 #holygrail #sangreal #davidrohl

2 years ago

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This week we are joined by ancient historian, musician, lecturer and best-selling author, David Rohl.

This is a deep dive into a mystery that has fired the imagination of scholars, artists and theologians for centuries: The Holy Grail.
Foundational to this quest is the historicity of Jesus himself. Was he an historical figure?
How do we separate myth from reality?
What was The Grail? A chalice, platter, royal bloodline? How do the medieval grail romances from Chretien de Troyes, Wolfram Von Eschenbach or Thomas Malory aid us in our quest?
How do The Knights Templar fit into our story and have they been guarding this knowledge since The Crusades?
If the Sangreal or Royal Blood truly represents a lineage of Jesus’s bloodline, could an ancestor of the most influential person in human history be walking among us today!
Let's find out!

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