2022-07-06, GESARA SHOW 033 - Wednesday

2 years ago

July 6, 2022, The GESARA Show 033 - Wednesday
Duration: 2:22:23

Hosts: Peter Walker (in Cologne) and Billy Gilles (in St. Louis).

This is the 33rd episode of the new GESARA Show where Peter and Billy update you on the latest intel and members of the https://nesara-gesara-qfs.com forum ask their questions or a wide range of topics related to the immanent Global Currency Reset with NESARA (USA), GESARA (Global) and the Quantum Financial System.

In this show, we welcome the return of Billy after he missed the last show for health reasons. Due to the large number of events happening, we have an extended "Intel" section where we discuss and give context to the news. In the Q&A section, we explain how to submit your oath to the Magna Carta, discuss the delays in the RV, and health related questions.

The show ends with a short film clip, showing how Trump's plane was refurbished.

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