Thawing permafrost a triple-threat

3 years ago

Thawing Arctic permafrost laden with billions of tonnes of greenhouse gases not only threatens the region's critical infrastructure but life across the planet, according a comprehensive scientific review.

Nearly 70 percent of the roads, pipelines, cities and industry —mostly in Russia—built on the region's softening ground are highly vulnerable to acute damage by mid-century, according to one of half-a-dozen studies on permafrost published this week by Nature.

Another study warns that methane and CO2 escaping from long-frozen soil could accelerate warming and overwhelm global efforts to cap the rise in Earth's temperature at livable levels.
1.Permafrost :
2. Cambio Climático :
3. Permafrost thaw threatens half of Arctic infrastructure :
4. Permafrost :
5. El enigma del metano: el gas que contamina más del CO² y que China, India y Rusia no quieren detener :

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