Leaving Treblinka

2 years ago

Trying to ride out of the Treblinka maze was a challenge. We eventually found our way out of that pretty forest where the souls of a million people were stolen from life on earth.
The souls however are with G-D and not the possession of the Nazi murderers. Those murderers bought themselves a future in the darkness forever.
We stopped on our way out to reflect on the railway transport line left there for those of us who know what it had been a part of.
Looking out on the countryside it was quite obvious that the locals knew exactly what was going on here. With Treblinka I the murderous gunfire would have been incessant.
With the final completion of Treblinka II the first fully mechanised killing factory was commissioned. The smoke stacks from the gas chambers went on 24/7 so the locals could smell it, could see it and could not avoid the obvious.
It wasn't the more cost effective gassing method using Zyklon-B a pesticide developed by the chemical company in Germany known as I.G Farben. No, in Treblinka II the gas chambers utilised the 500bhp diesel engines removed from captured Russian T-34 tanks. There were a number of these mass carbon monoxide poisoning chambers fueled by the exhaust fumes of the Russian Tank engines.
The gassed bodies were then thrown into mass graves.
As we left this horrific place of mass murder we encountered the disgustingly unrepaired roads of the region. This was a stark contrast to the beautiful Polish highways we had travelled till Warsaw.
The road surfaces were so bad that often we had to slow right down to under 60kph to avoid the bone jarring pot holes. At one point the bikes video camera shook completely loose in its very strong mounting and I was forced to stop to re-tighten the mount fasteners.
This was extremely hard on the tyres and our bikes suspension components but with the weather remaining dry we needed to continue.
Our next stop some 165kms south east was my mother's home town of Parczew.
The apprehension and anger began to grow inside my helmet.

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