Pandemic Apprentice: Abortion Special ADDITION

2 years ago


Traditionally, when Christian pastors preach on the topic of the Ten Lepers, the sermon is titled "Only One Came Back to Say Thank You", but a few years ago, a seminarian student, with a lot of liberation theology, at Alfred Street Baptist Church decided to express himself, offering his gathered thoughts, with no basis in scripture, as to what the other nine lepers may have been doing rather than coming back to thank Jesus for healing them of a terrible affliction. Was it conceivable that he may have been correct in his assumptions? Anyone can make a lucky guess, and some people win at the track and at casinos on dumb luck; but it's not exactly science, or scholarship.

However, there just happen to be nine justices, a 6-3 opinion that has some people happy and some people upset, which is actually what attorneys would describe as a "plurality opinion", of which Justice Alito is responsible for only 79 of the total 213, including syllabus--and, if you do a Brett Crozier quote the abstract from the science report in a Tier I law school by citing to the syllabus, you may have more tears than one. So, if nobody read the 40-page WHO report in February 2020, in a pandemic, it is reasonable to assume that nobody read the entire Dobbs opinion, where on page five, for those who like to cut to the chase, Justice Alito makes it Sesame Street simple to tell those for or against abortion the down and dirty, with which three of nine agreed, three disagreed, and three concurred in the result: “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled.”

Most pro choice people believe Roe said "women's choice", but it did not; so, if you are in DC with a sign describing your ovaries and uterus, you need to go back and read Roe to find out what you don't know about the abortion issue. And Roe, Roe, Roe is all that is discussed on the news, but what did Casey say, besides something about abortion, as to the guiding rule, which is what these arguments based upon assignments of error generally decide, not your football team versus my football team. Think: "Bad call" or "Good call, Ref." If that helps, but a gang of Fairfax Democrats gave two rounds of applause on the "DACA Case" which reiterated a rule that made it obvious nobody understood law when you saw the nonmedical grade facial coverings they were wearing that had been determined clinically to be wholly ineffective in a respiratory tract infection pandemic a decade before. You don't wanna be that guy in a lethal pandemic.

In highly educated VA8, by credentials, VA8, one would expect to hear the elevated discourse on the reasons why either Roe or Casey should be restored, but rather we hear claims about wanting to just have an abortion because that's what they want to enjoy their sexual freedom. And these are adults, while meanwhile at VA8GOP, who finally decided that Scott McCaffery is right about them being wimps, are just saying "we won." Wow. That's deep. And they wonder why they lose.

Don Beyer, Jr., in an interview with the Freedom from Religion Foundation shared his thoughts on packing the Supreme Court, under the assumption of more of us and less of them means we win, as one might expect a former cheerleader to explain football games at which they led the cheers. But, if you cannot explain what exactly the plurality opinion decided, much less distinguish between the holding in Roe and the holding in Casey, that actually becomes far more complicated with numbers more than nine, which a Phi Beta Kappa from Williams College, majoring in economics, which SNOPES says even at Johns Hopkins doesn't make you an expert on pandemics, more likely than not is not gonna get an almost perfect LSAT in discussing this fact pattern and the absurd results for which he desires.

And, congratulations to the Christian pastors sending women in trouble to Satan for salvation when they need an exemption to get an abortion. I can't wait to hear that legal argument before Saint Peter in Heaven.

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