2 years ago

I sobbed when I got the message... it's like an entire lifetime of struggle, Joy, pain, loss, Triumph, obstacles, uncertainty, exhaustion, fear, accomplishment came to a head in one moment... one moment when I realized every single step I've taken in this life has led me to this place. A place where I am strong and certain of what I want in my life, what I stand for, willing to confront what it will take to accomplish it, and who I'm willing to have in my circle and in my presence...

I'm not going to say it's been an easy Journey. But when you find your actual truth and you walk on the path of Truth, things do align and I'm finally seeing the results of all my many years of hard work...

Set your dreams extremely high! And then work like a Savage to accomplish them. Rid yourself of anyone or anything that degrades or derails you from this path. Surround yourself with those that feed your dreams, your purpose and your soul. I believe in you. This is one step for me in the right direction. And there will be many more ahead of it 😊😊😊

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