Peru demands compensation after Tonga eruption causes massive oil spill

3 years ago

Peru has demanded compensation from the Spanish oil firm Repsol after freak waves caused by a volcanic eruption near Tonga caused a disastrous oil spill.
The spill happened in an area rich in marine life such as seabirds, sea lions and otters. Locals have only rudimentary equipment to try to clear the oil. Peru’s prime minister, Mirtha Vásquez, has claimed the Pampilla refinery, run by Repsol, apparently did not have a contingency plan for an oil spill
Guardian News
Derrame de petróleo en Perú por fuerte oleaje tras erupción en Tonga:
Air Pollution - Sea Pollution:
#Repsol #oilspill #volcaniceruption #Peru #marinelife

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