07-10-22 * Devotional: 'Lean Into Me' * #hangout #share #like #comment * Live with Restream

2 years ago

Fabulous Friday :) FIRE IN THE HILLS TENT MEETING W/ TODD WHITE SATURDAY 7PM, PRAISE 9AM-4PM .Holy Spirit, You Are Welcome, Here :) And so are you Sweet People :) REPLAY VIEWERS, Welcome :) billcheshirejr.tv SMASH the Subscribe button on YouTube, 'Tater' the LIKE / FOLLOW Buttons on Ever Bright Ministries' FB Page. Hang Out with us. Become part of our ONLINE FAMILY. #discipleship #training #encouragement. THE CALL OF TEACHING AND EVANGELISM IS HEAVY UPON MY LIFE. I DON'T WANT ONE PERSON, WITHIN THE SOUND OF MY VOICE TO END UP IN HELL. #NOWAY JOSE'

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