Republican Governor Goes On Anti-CRT Witch Hunt

2 years ago

The right-wing is using white identity politics to wage a culture war on Critical Race Theory.

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Let's start with two clips of culture warriors. I don't think we'll be able to get to both of them. because one of them is six minutes long. I think we should let it go. okay maybe we can read oh that. one is six minutes? I mean I think we should we could just play like half of it but I mean it's one that you need to kind of see the full… arc? Arc. because it starts with the Bolsonaro interview. oh no I'm not talking about that one. oh. I'm talking about Oklahoma governor Stitt. and then the one I just asked for. This is the thing that is like when someone complains about identity politics to understand what they're complaining about. they're on they're complaining about politics that are in any way pivoting off of identities that haven't dominated our politics. So when someone's complaining about identity politics, look back and see if they've ever complained about white identity politics. which incidentally is foundational in this country. We started off with white identity politics. and I think there's a very good argument that we have had white identity politics until just before and through my saying those words three seconds ago. Here is Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt. and apparently the governor of this state has been aware of a violation somewhere in the school system of the anti-crt statute that they passed. Yes. sounds serious. things must be going very well in Oklahoma for the governor to be able to take time for this. I'm also concerned that TPS may have violated state law. specifically house bill 1775. That's Tulsa Public Schools TPS. I'm also concerned that TPS may have violated state law. specifically house bill 1775. which bans public schools from teaching critical race Theory. specifically the bill prohibits teaching that one race or sex is inherently Superior to another racer sex. I firmly believe that no not one cent of taxpayer money should be used to define and divide young Oklahomans by their race or sex. Let's teach students not to indoctrinate them.

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