Why We Are Seeing More CG Anime #anime

2 years ago

People have a lot and hate relationships with CG Anime. There are times when it looks amazing and then there are times when it just does not work

Like the Studio Ghibli Earwig and the Witch movie. It just feels like it should have been animated.

many people are used to seeing CG animated movies like Toy Story and finding Nemo from American entertainment companies but thats because the western world has given up on animation

Isn't that right Disney!!!!

CG in anime can be tolerated when is done right but there have been times when watching a CGI Anime makes you beat your head against the wall….

Yeah, thats right, I am talking about the Berserk 2017 anime.

More often than not, anime fans absolutely hate CG anime. There are exceptions and we will talk about those in a moment but do Japanese animation companies know of care about how viewers feel about CG Anime.

The answer is, most likely not because it saves them money.

Before we continue, make sure to subscribe to the channel and ring that bell everyone. Help your boy Andy Matrix and Share the video……

Now, lets talk about a CG Anime that actually worked really well.


NO!!! I am not a furry but I do love Beastars. As a matter of fact. It became one of my favorite anime of all time and I am not joking.

Let me ask you a question. Can you imagine Beastars in 2D Animation……..wait…..let answer that for you.


Absolutely not because CGI goes well with Beastars. As a matter of fact, it would cost more money to animate Beastars in 2D so Studio Orange made a good decision.

Speaking of Studio Orange, they also brought back Trigun in CGI. So people are not happy about that.

The reason why CG worked for Beastars is because the characters were anthropomorphic and the creators used facial motion capture to make the characters talk like humans.

It was absolutely perfect

Cant say the same thing about Berserk though.

The berserk CGI anime was disappointing because its very obvious that it looks better 2D animation.

Everything look stiff. Even Guts body looked stiff……….no pun intended.

So as you can see. CGI is not the problem but rather, how it is used.

Unless its an anime like Beastars, CGI looks better on background and objects in the scene of an anime. Other than that, it just makes the movement of characters really stiff …..

Then again there are well made CGI shows like Arcane on Netflix with much smoother 3D Animation and character movement..

It could also be that Japanese anime studios just suck with CGI and should leave it to the Americans.

I am just kidding.

One of the reasons why anime studios use CGI is to cut down cost, speed up production and it has become just another artistic tool like a pencil and paper….eventually they either want to use it or NEED to use it.

As said before CGI helps to lower cost by using 3D rendered backgrounds stylized with usual anime hues.

When a scene is too complicated to animate, studios resort to CGI. We saw this with the Dragon Ball Super Broly movie when Gogeta fought Broly.

Everyone was pretty pissed off when Studio MAPPA picked up Attack on Titan and started using CGI for the Titans.

Again, the movement looked stiff but for the studio, they saved a lot of time because what you have to understand about 3D animation is that you only have to design a character or object once and then you can do whatever you want with it.

As opposed to 2D Animation, artists have to redraw characters again and again. So in the end, 3D Animation is much faster. 3D Animation or CGI, requires the same initial steps as 2D ANimation but once the characters are designed, all the creators have to do is work on the movements.

So Studios do save time with 3D and CGI.

CG and 3D ANimation is here to stay in the anime industry that is..

Its only natural that people use tools that help them improve their work while saving time.

Say what you will about CG in anime but it is good for studios and it does not necessarily take away jobs from animators.

You have to understand that American entertainment companies have had a head start in 3D Animation because well……Americans are the pioneers.

Japanese animation companies do not have a long history with 3D animation…..well….besides video games but thats not what we are talking about herre.

Its all about how you use it.

Not one had a problem with Beastars animated in 3D but people were pissed off about Berserk in 3D.

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