AGENTS OF CHEESE: attack of the henchmen

4 years ago

Agents of Cheese: the cheesiest action you will ever be honored to watch. Two henchmen from an unnamed cartel are set loose after the Agent's of Cheese snag a copy of a file with valuable information on their cartel. If the Agent isn't stopped the whole cartel will come crashing down.


I and my best friend got together recently and shot this short. I brought the files home and spent the last couple of days editing it. Enjoy.

Want to watch a time-lapse of me editing this:
Blooper reel!

Subscribe, like, and comment! Enjoy.


My Hardware:

Operating System: Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon
Processor: Intel© Core™ i3-6006U CPU @ 2.00GHz × 2
Memory: 8 GB
Graphics Card: Intel Corporation Skylake GT2 [HD Graphics 520]

Main Camera: Sony Alpha 7

Other Camera: Sony Alpha 58


Music from and other free to use websites.

Edited ALL in Blender 2.83.

#AgentsOfCheese #Blender

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