Dr Jane Ruby MOAB! License to Kill! FDA Not Testing New Drugs While THOUSANDS Are Dying From Them!

2 years ago

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HOW FAR WILL THESE DEMONIC FREAKS GO TO ERADICATE MOST OF THE GLOBAL POPULATION?! Dr. Jane Ruby BODY SLAMS the FULLY-WEAPONIZED FDA for it’s June 28th decision to drop the requirement for testing of new drugs for BIOWEAPON JOB PEDDLERS in the final death blow to the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki, and the Hippocratic Oath - unveiling its true mission to commit TREASON against America and BIOTERRORISM on the people of the United States - and the WORLD!

In this MIND-BLOWING & JAW-DROPPING video, you're going to learn about something that THEY do NOT want you to know about the FDA & their COMPLICIT COHORTS: THEY ARE INTENTIONALLY KILLING PEOPLE EVERYWHERE! But wait, there's much more to it than that! All across the WORLD, a nefarious scenario is unfolding that will literally STOP YOU DEAD IN YOUR TRACKS if you're on your way to get a dose of the Killer BIOWEAPON Jab! Listen to Dr. Ruby as she outlines the Dastardly and Demonic facts of this INDESCRIBABLY DEMONIC PLAN! You will want to pass this on to everyone you know, because THE DEAD CAN TELL NO LIES! Buckle up and get a seat ready, Patriots, you're going to need to sit down once you being watching this EPIC EPISODE! May the Love, Light, Peace & Blessings of the Lord be with you on your Journey!
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