One Ocean Summit : World Leaders Convene in France to Save the Oceans

3 years ago

* Between the Naval Command of Northern Greece and the Kiverneio (Palataki)
Up to 40 world leaders are due to make “ambitious and concrete commitments” towards combating illegal fishing, decarbonizing shipping and reducing plastic pollution at what is billed as the first high-level summit dedicated to the ocean.

One Ocean summit, which opens on Wednesday in the French port of Brest, aims to mobilize “unprecedented international political engagement” for a wide range of pressing maritime issues, said its chief organizer, Olivier Poivre d’Arvor.

“It is essential,” Poivre d’Arvor said. “The climate has its Cop process but there is no equivalent for the ocean, at a time when man’s relationship with the marine world has become more and more toxic, and global heating is causing extreme change.”
1. WWF : Plastic pollution rising at an alarming rate, affecting 88% of marine species :
2. Au Sénégal, les pêcheurs subissent depuis des années la raréfaction des poissons:
3. Οverfishing VS sustainable fishing:
4. "One Ocean Summit" : sommet international sur la protection des océans à Brest:
Air Pollution - Sea Pollution:
#oceans #SeaPollution #OneOceanSummit #Οverfishing
*Κυβερνείο (Παλατάκι), Kiverneio-Palataki :

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