Woe unto all the wicked, dead church people and those who persercute those who follow Jesus!!

2 years ago

Jesus has had enough and sees His bride being persercuted by wicked governments who kill Christians like in China, Iran, North Korea, where Christianity is banned, He sees wicked family members that persercute their family members who honor God and not the world and mock them, abuse them, spread rumors about them and hurt them, He sees jobs that fire true believers for not getting the vaccine and wearing a face diaper and say we are sorry but you can't work here anymore and those who persercute Christians will suffer God wrath because you are perscuting Jesus!! All rich people will loose all their money and fancy cars, clothes and everything they do not care about anyone but themselves and will have nothing after the rapture happens!! Lukewarm church people stop calling yourself a Christian when you are not!! You love the world more than Jesus and then play your church games on Sunday and act like you are so perfect then at work you are laughing at worldly joke's, you are ashamed of Jesus and when people drink you join in!! You sleep around with another man wife and act like it is ok no one can judge me at all!! You got to a gay sodomite pride parade and act like God is happy with you!! God hates half hearted so called Christians who are not Christians at all!! They are just lost people and you can't fool God at all!! He hates hypocrites who live a two faced lie and He is not amused at all!! Jesus called the pharisees you hypocrites you love praise and worship of yourselves and neglect the most important thing you parade yourselves around with your robes and shows but underneath are dead bones!! You brood of vipers you say if anyone swears by the temple he is cursed what is more important the temple or the jewel's you insist on having!! You blind guides you hypocrites!! Jesus hates lukewarm faith that is not hot for Jesus at all but lukewarm!! Lukewarm phony Christians will never witness about Jesus ever they don't want people to get offended so they act just like the world does!! All the phony lukewarm dead church people and pastors will be left behind!! And God will destroy all the wicked!! He has had enough and the 7 year tribulation will begin and many will say to the mountains fall on us fall on us and hide us from Him who sits on the throne for the wrath of the Lamb is here and who can escape His wrath!! God will pour out all His judgements on the world and only those who are safe are those who are sealed by God that is all the protection they will get in the tribulation period, the wicked will not be protected at all!! The games are over!! Judgement is here and thousands of people will just be gone!! Jesus will grab His bride and leave everyone else left behind!! Time is up!!

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