Demons Fought & Lost

2 years ago

At the Muskoka Revival event these demons tried to put up a fight but they were NO MATCH FOR JESUS! The way in which Jesus delivers doesn’t always look the same, just like how he healed and delivered in different ways throughout the Bible. For example He told the lepers to show themselves to the priests and on their way they were healed. Meaning when they first left Jesus’ presence they still has leprosy on their skin, but as some time passes they were healed. Sometimes deliverance is immediate, while sometimes the anointing is working in a person like medicine. Some are delivered at the end of the service, some are delivered in their dreams the night of. Some are delivered a few days later. Some are delivered immediately! So we rest in God and surrender to Him “Lord deliver and heal me however you want. Have your way!”
We jumped for joy towards the end of service as we saw Jesus had freed this man! Thank you Jesus!🔥🔥🔥
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