Ukraine to declare state of emergency in all its territory

3 years ago

Ukraine introduced a nationwide state of emergency in which special restrictions will apply to keep the country calm and protect its economy amid fears of a Russian invasion.

Ukraine's security council has approved plans to declare a state of national emergency. The measure, which still needs parliamentary approval, will ramp up security measures in response to growing fears of a Russian invasion. The measure would apply to all parts of Ukraine except the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where one has been in place since 2014. Lawmakers have also approved the first reading of a draft to permit Ukrainians to carry firearms and act in self-defense.

Kyiv is now urging its citizens to leave Russia immediately over what the foreign ministry calls "escalating Russian aggression." And under a presidential decree, Kyiv is now conscripting reservists aged 18 to 60. Meanwhile in eastern Ukraine, there is a tense atmosphere after Moscow announced it was moving troops into the region.

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